Tamanna Bhatia, famous Indian Actress shot to fame with hits like Ayan and Payya. Her most recent hit is the tri-lingual blockbuster Bahubali which went on to become the highest grossing Indian movie ever.
Tamanna ravishing in a red white saree.
Gorgeous Tamanna standing in front of a fence, denim shorts and velvel blue tops.
Cutie Pie Tammu, smiling.
Tammana Bhatia
Tammu smiling for the camera
Tammana in a pink-white dress
Beautiful and perfect
In a blue-velvet dress, charming.
Another pose for the camera
Tamanna in a still from Badrinath - whats dreams are made up of
Pink baby Tamanna
Milky white Tamanna, posing for the camera in a white dress.